Ski Definition
Snowsports Professional's
We are a Licence Course Provider (LCP) for IASI

IASI Level 1 Exam
IASI Level 2 Module A Exam

IASI Level 2 Exam
IASI Level 2 Prep Course & Exam
Ski Definition is a
Licensed Course Provider (LCP) For
Irish Association of Snowsports Instructors IASI
We have been providing exams and training for Instructor courses for over 10 years now, with highly successful pass rates for all courses. We organise and run exams in the UK, Spain, Austria, Norway & Italy. We have dedicated training team and highly qualified Educators / Examiners with over 30 years of experience to help get the success you want for all courses. We have been involved with IASI as members, instructors, educators and coaches for over 12 years now. Supporting the development of the association as board members and part of the last 2 Interski teams representing Ireland (IASI) Irish Interski Team in Ushuaia, Argentina 2015 & also at Pamporovo, Bulgaria 2019. At both Interski World congress, Ali Smith delivered on snow sessions to all nations from around the world. This helped show the world covering bodies what IASI's philosophies and basic principles are and how we train instructors to the highest level of Instructors, for them to work around the world.
Irish Association of Snowsports Instructors
IASI Website:
IASI Become a Member:
IASI Become a Level 1 Instructor:
Click on the below for more info or contact.
IASI Contacts Email:
Head of Education:
See below some of the videos of the Interski World Congress from Argentina & Bulgaria.
Pamporovo, Bulgaria 2019
Usshuaia, Argentina 2015
Check our Social Media Below
Click the links below